Acupuncture Practitioner Calgary
The practice of acupuncture is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which has a 5,000 year history of successfully diagnosing, treating and preventing illness. Interestingly, the first medical description of acupuncture wasn’t recorded until 1680. It was not until a European physician witnessed acupuncture use in Japan that the Western world became aware of the practice’s healing attributes. Read about the history here –> National Institute of Health
Today, acupuncture is used to treat various pains, aches and conditions. If you are not sure whether acupuncture is right for you, please call us to find out more. Connect with our team to learn more today!
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How It Works
- Tiny needles are placed at set points in the body. At these points, it is thought that the needles stimulate endorphins, your body’s natural pain relievers, to make you feel better. It is also thought that the needles further stimulate your body’s natural healing abilities
- Your body is very capable of healing itself. Sometimes, it just needs help to do that.
What To Expect
- In your initial visit, you will be required to fill out new patient forms. This is so we have a general outline of your past medical history and conditions. From there, our practitioners will discuss your health concerns and goals.
- In most cases, acupuncture treatment will be provided in the first visit. Acupuncture treatment plans will be made individually to suit the needs of each patient.
- In some cases, you may notice improvements right away. In other cases, it may take a few sessions.
- Generally the needles are placed at set points for 5-60 minutes. If you are new to acupuncture, this time will be at the lower end.
Common Health Conditions Treated
Dr. Kellington, as a Naturopath, treats a variety of health conditions with acupuncture. Many conditions or injuries can be treated using this practice.
In fact, treatment isn’t just limited to just physical pain. Acupuncture can also help individuals tackle emotional pain, such as that associated with depression and anxiety. Acupuncture can be used to treat many common conditions, including, but not limited to:
Choose Active Back To Health For All Your Acupuncture Needs
Our team of experts is experienced in the safety and efficacy of acupuncture use. At your session, your practitioner will clearly explain the treatment appropriate for you.
If you require acupuncture in Calgary and you’re ready to book an appointment, contact us today.
Fee Schedule
- First Visit $115
- Regular Visit $95
- Senior/Student/Child $80
- Chiro w/ Acupuncture $160
- Chiro w/ Acupuncture Senior/Student $135